A modern insight workspace

Empowering your Insight Driven Culture

We simplify collaboration between business users, insight experts, and insight teams in companies. It’s how we bring relevance, efficiency, and agility to insight initiatives. And get you closer to an insight-driven culture.

We’re here because the world of Insights has changed

Many sources

Surveys. UX research. Customer experience programs. Social media information, Sales data. These are just a few of the countless ways to obtain insight. How do we navigate across the expertise needed to gain the right insights from these varied sources?

Many players

Insight teams are inherently interdisciplinary. An Insight Team has to work with their internal business teams, researchers, customer experience practitioners, data analysts, social media listeners, all with specialized skills in order to drive actionable outcomes. How do we synergize this insight creation without hampering impact and agility?

Our Platform

InsightGig is built to Leverage these Challenges in a Changing Landscape

InsightGig centralizes research projects across your entire organization, easily integrating with agency workflows and internal business requirements to help you manage Insights across it’s Entire Lifecycle

Access Expertise

Today’s businesses need the flexibility of a Blended Workforce, our network of Vetted Experts will allow you to close your skill gaps easily and dynamically as they arise.

Build Systems of Trust

InsightGig provides a unified ecosystem for teams with diverse and trusted expertise to work together. The Platform gives teams transparent access to a single source of truth to launch, manage and distribute Insight Initiatives across the Organization.

Embrace Agility

The use of a Single Platform, helps in creating repeatable frameworks, reusable archetypes and a decentralized approach to do more across multiple insight Projects and faster.

Intelligent Automation

Our plug-and-play stack specifically curated for Insight needs with easy integrations empowers teams to use the right tool in the right context without feeling trapped within specific software products / tools.

Outcome Focused

Our model encourages you to experiment, validate wins, and create self-service ecosystems – thus getting more users to utilize the insights for decisions and usher in the insights-driven culture you’ve always wanted. 

Create Active Insights

No more searching through email threads and presentations to identify relevant insights and their contexts. Keep your Insights easily discoverable and therefore extensible and relevant across the organization.

Get Started With InsightGig
and Simplify your Insight Process